Amida Care Celebrates LGBTQ Pride
In honor of NYC LGBTQ Pride, Amida Care is hosting and participating in a wide range of events to show our ongoing support for the LGBTQ community, including a Twitter chat on trans health, a float in the NYC LGBTQ Pride March, and sponsorship of Staten Island Pride Fest!
Twitter Chat on Transgender Health: Amida Care co-hosted a Twitter chat focused on the importance of transgender health, #transhealthchat, on Thursday, June 23. There have been many exciting advancements in trans health – but there is still work to be done. The purpose of this event was to create awareness about the transgender community’s HIV epidemic and the biggest health issues, social determinants, stigma, and discrimination facing trans individuals, as well as steps we can all take to support the trans community. Co-hosted by Amida Care, Housing Works, and Gay City News, this online conversation took place in advance of The Audre Lorde Project’s #TransDayOfAction on June 24.
Please follow @AmidaCareNY on Twitter and continue the conversation at #transhealthchat!
NYC LGBTQ Pride March: Amida Care celebrated LGBTQ pride with its own float and a team of marchers in the NYC Pride March this year! NYC Pride is one of the biggest LGBT Pride celebrations in the world. Amida Care’s float was one of 450 in the march, held on Sunday, June 26 in Manhattan, starting at 36th Street and 5th Avenue and ending at Christopher and Greenwich Streets (March Route). We were proud to participate and show our support for the LGBTQ community!
Staten Island Pride Fest: Amida Care is the presenting sponsor of this year’s Staten Island Pride Fest, a week of Pride events that run from July 9 through July 16. Please attend one or more of these events and encourage your clients to attend as well!